

Venora Smith – VGL Minor Champion

Congratulations to Venora Smith who took out the Minor Championship in the over 17 handicap section of the VGL Champion of Champions held on Monday 21st November at Melbourne Airport Golf Club. A huge achievement under extremely difficult weather conditions and ably assisted by her caddie Geni Brewster.

AGM & Trophy Awards 2022

The Brighton Shield 2022

After a 2 year hiatus the Brighton Shield was played on October 20th with Nepean hosting. There were 11 matches and the majority were decided on the 18th so a very hard fought victory for Nepean.

WE WON!!!!

The atmosphere around the Pavilion was very warm and friendly. Everyone was glad to be back playing as we always have. A big thank you to all participants – Brighton and Nepean and we look forward to next year.

Back to Nepean

Congratulations to our Club Champions 2022

C Grade – Stella Torance, B Grade – Elaine Witchell, Club Champion – Venora Smith, 9 Hole Champion – Sue Callil


Charity Day 2022

Charity Day was held in-house to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Australia. The field of 49 added a fabulous flourish of ‘teal’ across the fairways, on what turned out to be a great day for golf. Everyone enjoyed a light lunch afterwards and with the addition of raffles we were able to raise a very healthy $1000 for this worthy cause. Thanks to all our members for their kind and very generous donations .

Getaway – Rosebud 2022


Sandra Richie Plate

70th Anniversary – President’s V Captain’s Matchplay 2022

Opening Day 2022

Fortunate to be able to kick off the season with our Opening Day comp and lunch – enjoyed by 50 members. Welcome back.

Umbrellas for picnic tables

The Trustees have provided new umbrellas for the picnic tables. Great alternative to sit outside the Pavilion while Covid continues to plague us and our inside density limits.


Christmas Lunch 2021 – Woodlands Golf Club

Committee 2021-22

Club Championships 2021 Presentations

Club Championships 2021

The Club Championsips were modified and played over 2 weeks due to the Covid pandemic.

Christmas Lunch 2021

Due to to the sudden closure of The Brighton Savoy the Committee have had to research a venue for this year’s Christmas Lunch. We have been very fortunate to secure the dining room at Woodlands Golf Club for our event on 2nd December……… this space.

Vale – Maureen Stewart 2021

1934 – 2021

Our esteemed Life Member Maureen Stewart passed away on 10th July 2021.

Maureen joined Nepean in 1998 and very quickly became an integral part of the Club. In 2004 she became Vice President and a delegate to the VGL in 2004-5 and again in 2008. She then took on the role of President from 2006-2007 and was at that time a Trustee of the Pavilion.

From 2010 – 2019 she was Club Almoner, taking responsibility for the welfare of our Club members. This was a role for which she was well suited. Her pleasant, caring manner was a great support to all. With a kind word she was able to put them at ease, supporting them through illness and loss.

She was made a Life Member in 2019, in recognition of the important role she played at Nepean but unfortunately became ill soon after and was unable to continue playing.

She will be sadly missed and always fondly remembered as one of our “ladies in the dam.”

Charity Guest Day 2021

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A colourful day dawned as 86 members and their guests took to the field for our Annual Charity Guest Day. This year was particularly poignant as we honoured our dear friend Carmel who died last year during COVID from Ovarian cancer.

The setting was particularly festive as everyone made a supreme effort to wear the Ovarian “teal”.

Lunch was held at the Brighton Clubhouse. Judith welcomed Carmel’s daughter Shannon who kindly agreed to attend and she even baked her mother’s famous banana cake which was given as a raffle prize.

…. and the WINNERS were ….

Getaway 2021

After a 2 year hiatus due to CoviD, 27 members returned to Rosebud Country Club for the Annual Getaway, masterfully organised by Maryanne & Cathy.

Day 1 – Teams event.

The Winners!
Elaine, Barb, Penny & Marg

Day 2 – The Sandra Ritchie Plate.

This year’s winner was Dot Stannard with a great round of 38 pts, closely followed by Elaine Pausewang who took home the “crying prize”.

Anticipation and expectation rose to fever pitch as our glamourous and glitzy Rock Star celebrities gathered for this gala extravaganza!

The ‘who’s who of attendees ……..

John & Yoko aka Flo & Judy
Amy Winehouse aka Geni & Cindy Lauper aka Stella
Our Mistress of Ceremonies aka Maryanne
Sonny & Cher aka Cathy & Raylene
Tina Turner aka Yvonne
The Beatles aka Dot, Marg, Marian & Carol

Crowded House aka Rosie, Penny, other Penny & Judith
A Rock – Star aka Venora
The Singing Nun aka Anne
Alice Cooper aka Noeleen
Elton John aka Sue Mc
Rock star aka Gill
Rockette aka Terry

Pennant 2021

It’s been a long time between drinks but the drought has broken – here’s hoping for a flood!

Nepean brings home the Division 3 Pennant flag.

Great work to all involved … not only the players on the day but all the others in the squad that played to get us to the final – Elaine Witchell, Venora Smith, Brig Anderson and Judith Freidin.
To Captain Sue, PCE… it’s going to be really hard not to continue the brilliant captaincy !!!

The team, their caddies and supporters at Northern GC

CoviD restrictions eased….. 17th Feb 2021

Conditons of Play – These Guidelines must be adhered to for Nepean golf.

  • Play is permitted in groups of up to four
  • Payment transactions should be by credit card or PayWave
  • Contact tracing is compulsory – Pro Shop & The Pavilion
  • Shared golf carts are permitted
  • Competition golf is permitted
  • Face masks are NOT required on the course
  • Facemasks ARE required indoors – Pro Shop & the Pavilion
  • Social distancing is required throughout the venue
  • Practise putting greens are open
  • Food & beverage service is available at the Pro shop

On the course.

  • Bunker rakes must NOT be used – preferred lie applies
  • Drinking taps on course are NOT in use
  • Do NOT handle the flagstick
  • Retrieve the ball from the hole with your gloved hand


2021 Opening Day

A warm overcast day and 51 Nepean girls went out to play golf.

We overcame the new COVID restrictions put in place at midnight, unbeknown to some and the lack of working toilets after we came off the course but managed to christen the “Beer Garden” with a great lunch provided by Rosie and Gill.

A big welcome to the 3 new members who played today … Mandy, Arlene and Ha.

QR Code now at the Pavilion.

Please scan the QR code when entering the Pavilion, if you are staying for longer than 15 minutes. They are situated on the outside windows and on tables, for your convenience.

If your phone does not facilitate the reading of the code, please sign in using the Covid tracing register. Ask for help if you encounter any difficulties.

The Trustees – keeping us safe.

COVID restrictions eased and a new directive from DHHS regarding the wearing of masks.

From 11.59pm, Sunday 17 January 2021, face masks will no longer be mandatory in public indoor settings.
Face masks continue to be mandatory in the following locations:

* public transport
* riding in taxis or ride shares
* inside shopping centres, including retail stores inside shopping centres
* inside indoor markets
* in large retail stores, such as department stores, electronics stores, furniture stores, hardware stores or supermarkets
* on domestic flights to and from Victoria
* at airports
* in hospitals

You should always carry a face mask with you when you leave home unless you have a lawful reason not to. 

It is strongly recommended you wear one whenever you cannot keep 1.5 metres distance from others. 

COVID Testing Station – January 2021

A stark reminder of the gravity of the pandemic when our own carpark was taken over for COVID testing.


2020 Christmas Lunch

COVID restrictions were lifted just in time for the Brighton Savoy to welcome us for our Annual Christmas lunch. Less mingling, apart from with those on your table but a couple of breakouts were ok!

Beautiful table centres by Rosie & Gill
Door Prizes
Cathy giving us Getaway details
Retiring Treasurer, Carole DeKievit
1st Door Prize winner – Yvonne Lord
2nd Door Prize winner – Jill Natoli
3rd Door Prize winner – Stella Torrance
and Judith telling us to sit down

New outdoor tables for the Pavilion


The Pavilion Trustees have provided 3 new outdoor tables for use by all the Pavilion clubs. It is anticipated that Nick and Jarrod will further enhance this area over the coming weeks.

Getting to COVID normal – Oct 26

As of Oct 28, COVID Rules have been further relaxed:

* Golf may be played in groups of 4
* Competition may resume
* The 25 kms restriction will still apply until Nov 9
* Masks MUST be worn at all times whilst on the course
* Social distancing, of course, still applies
* Non contact scoring using MiScore app, sign both signatures yourself
* Preferred lies in bunkers
* Rake the bunker with your foot or club
* Do not remove flagstick

Return to golf COVID Rules – Oct 19

The following rules apply to facilitate our return to golf:

* Social Golf in pairs
* Must live within 25 kms of Brighton Golf Course
* Arrive 10 minutes prior to your tee time
* Leave the course immediately after completion of your round
* Masks MUST be worn at all times whilst on the course
* Maintain 2 club lengths between you and your playing partner at all times
* Non contact scoring using MiScore app, sign both signatures yourself
* Preferred lies in bunkers
* Rake the bunker with your foot or club
* Do not remove flagstick

* Scores can be used for handicapping
* Book your tee times 2 weeks in advance using OneGolf

2020 VALE Marj Wort

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Marj Wort died peacefully on September 11, 2020 at the age of 97.

Marj was a Nepean member from the 1980’s until 2011 and was a gentle and lovely lady. She had a particular affinity with our cork oak trees. Whenever a branch came down (usually because of a wayward golf shot) she would take it home to her husband Max to craft the bark into a pen covering.

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Rest in peace Marj.

Update from Golf Australia, 6th September, 2020


A message from Nick, our course manager … 3 August, 2020

Covid 19 update 5 …….. 2 August, 2020


Stage 4 Restrictions – Sadly, NO golf until further notice.

Straight from the course … 30 July, 2020

Nick Is out and about …
… rounding up the new ducklings

Covid 19 update 4…….22 July, 2022

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Face masks are compulsory as of Thursday, 22 July. This includes all parts of the Brighton Public Golf Course, the car park, the Pro Shop and the course itself. It is expected that members will abide by this directive or subsequently leave themselves open to fines from the Police.

Covid 19 update 3…….10 July, 2020

Further info from our Captain following communication from Golf Australia……….

  • We are not allowed to run Competitions, though we can continue to handicap.  Check out the Leaderboard (MiScore) after your game and you can see how you went in the Non Competition. We can only play social golf (handicapped!!) but will try to mix it up with Par and Stableford and will aim to catch up on some of our major Competitions after this is all over but we are fast running out of time.
  • The Margaret King Matchplay Competition is unfortunately suspended and we will see what we can do about extending the end date and trying to catch it up but it won’t be easy.
  • The Pro Shop can no longer provide any rental equipment. This includes pull buggies, mobile carts (even with a medical certificate) and golf clubs.  If you currently use any of these, unfortunately you will need to make other arrangements.

We will continue to play Nepean golf, in pairs every Thursday as long as we are able. Stay safe and stay focused on the end game!

Covid 19 update 2 …….. 8 July, 2020

Golf Australia have issued the following communication regarding Covid-19. The relevant section being:

“Golf Operations

The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, has announced that golf can continue to be played in areas that will be covered by Stage 3 restrictions in 2-ball groups from Thursday, July 9.

Clubhouses must also close as of midnight tonight, July 8, for all services other than take-away food and beverage.

Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia will communicate further information as it relates to facility operations, including coaching, Pro-Shops, driving ranges, warm-up areas and other related activities as soon as possible.

We are continuing to work with government on understanding further ramifications of Stage 3 restrictions on golf clubs/facilities.

Our captain is, as always, well ahead of the game with her decision to make tomorrow’s game a Stableford round. Enjoy the freedom of golf!!!!

Covid 19 update ……. 8 July, 2020

There is currently no directive regarding golf from GA however the Pro Shop has indicated that we can only play in pairs. This being the case the Pairs Championship will be postponed and this week’s round will be a handicapped Stableford competition.

Please check Jane’s latest email for the amended timesheet. We will keep you updated as information becomes available.

Welcome to Maria Graetsch

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Keep an eye out for Maria and make her welcome.

2020 VALE Carmel Wonnacott

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15.12.1940 – 20.6.2020

Carmel was a regular member of Nepean WGC for over 15 years. Sadly, she passed away, peacefully on Saturday, 20th June, surrounded by her family. Playing golf was very important to her. She enjoyed the fun and camaraderie of playing with her friends at Nepean.  She loved the club and the close friends she made whilst playing in the 9 Hole Competition. Always so elegant, gracious lady, with a beaming smile which we will miss. Even whilst undergoing intensive, rigorous treatment, she continued to play, continued to smile and always with her ‘face’ on! Carmel was an inspiration to us all. We will miss her, but she will be forever in our hearts. Our thoughts are with Barry and the family.
Eleanor Douglas

9 Holers mastering the kiosk

Sue Callil instructing Judy Evans
Dot Stannard in charge of Joyce Filder and Jane Scott-Price

Hole in One – 9th June, 2020

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Congratulations to Lorraine Mair.
Hole in One on the 2nd hole at Albert Park on the coldest day this year – 2°

New Handicapping & Booking system

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Nepean have signed up with MiClub to be a part of Onegolf, an electronic Handicapping and Booking system.

To enter the system, you click on the OneGolf icon  – located at the top right of any  page on our website.

Clicking on the OneGolf icon will take you straight to the Login page of MiClub.  You will be asked for your Username and Password which Jane has emailed to you.

You can used the system to:-

  •  book tee times, up to two weeks in advance
  • check your Golflink handicap
  • check weekly results

Once social distancing restrictions are lifted, we will have a computer terminal set up in the Pavilion for you to use.  For the next month or so a Match Committee member will be there to assist you.

You can use the system to book your next tee times instead of writing your name on the advance time sheets and to enter your score at the end of the game.

We encourage the use of the free MiScore App which you can use instead of a score card.  If you are able to use MiScore it will not be necessary to enter your scores at the end of the game as your score will automatically be sent through.

Back on The Course 14th May, 2020

Back to golf after 7 weeks isolation …
… all practising “social distancing”

Return to Golf – Yippee!

Premier Daniel Andrews announced on 11th May, that Victoria will take the first steps to come out of it’s Stage 3 Covid 19 lockdown, from midnight Tuesday, 12th May 2020.

It is understood that golfers will be permitted to play in groups of 4, provided strict distancing and hygiene protocols are followed.

Competition will not resume until further notice and socialising outside the Pavilion will be resticted to a maximum of 10 people.

The Course is ready!

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Golfing Myths by Travis Harrison

Travis is our “go to guy” when it comes to our golf. He has sent through a video for Nepean members – good to see him wearing his belt!!!
The link to Golfing Myths

2020 VALE Marj Carlos

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Marj Carlos passed away peacefully today, 8 April 2020, at the age of 96.  It was just her time and had nothing to do with the current pandemic we are faced with.

Marj joined Nepean in 1983 and was a full playing member until 2010 when she took on social membership.  She was also involved with both Dendy and Wyuna.

She was one of those “little old ladies” that could beat the pants off you in matchplay.  You know the sort, straight down the middle, one chip and one putt and leaving you wondering how the hell she beat you when you outdrove her by miles!  In fact, she played pennant for us during the 80’s and 90’s, captaining her teams in 1988, 1989 and 1991.  Not surprisingly she had a very good win record and in 1989 won all of her matches.

Her support of Nepean came in many different way including trophy donations and trade table goods  … she loved her flowers and would be in her garden constantly, often in later years to the despair of her family due to the occasional fall she had.

She was a cheerful, kind and caring soul who will be missed greatly, particularly by her good friend Flo Box. 

Rest in peace Marj.

Brighton Golf Course Closure

The Brighton Golf Course will close tonight at 6pm – 28th March until further notice.

Golf Australia will review this decision on 13th April but until then the course is not to be used under any circumstance.

LMS will continue to keep us updated.

Please stay safe and well.

Letter from the President March 23, 2020

Hi everyone

Things keep changing very quickly in our day to day lives at present and our Golf competition is no exception. The Victorian Government’s decision to discourage any kind of social gathering means that it would be best if we postpone formal competitions until further notice. We don’t want to put any of our members at risk by encouraging them to join in this kind of group activity. We have also decided to cancel the Getaway that was to be held at Rosebud on the 26th and 27th April.  As well the Charity/Guest day that was scheduled for the 14th May will no longer be held. The Committee will review this at our April meeting and update you then.

We are not in a position to offer any guidance as to whether you should continue to play golf. We are waiting on advice from Golf Australia about whether the Government closures relate to golf. At the moment Brighton Golf Course is remaining open so if you choose you can play social golf. Another option is to join in the handicapped competition run by the Pro shop. You will need to contact the Pro shop directly to book a tee time. Please adhere to the guidelines set by the golf course and Golf Australia. These include leaving the pin in at all times, no touching the rakes (so no need to rake bunkers) and also take your own sand bucket. They have also put foam noodles in the holes so that it is easier to get your ball out without touching the flagpole.

Thanks for your understanding at this difficult time.


COVID-19 update March 20, 2020

LMS have advised us that they are implementing strategies to minimalise the spread of Covid-19. This is to safeguard both their staff and the general public.

Apart from obvious precautions they would encourage the use of payment by card to reduce ‘handling’ of cash.

We will continue to keep you abreast of any changes or recommendations with regard the playing of our game. Our intention is to continue with competitions as long as it is deemed to be safe.

The day of March 19, 2020

The day of March 19 was the day of implementation of Covid-19 guidelines. Table duty is now a hazardous task, valiantly taken on by Fiona ably assisted by Jane.

In all seriousness, Nepean is taking measures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of its members thereby ensuring the integrity of our weekly competitions.
Social distancing …

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Unfortunately, while Anne is looking dry her bag and buggy, not so. A gust of wind caught her umbrella on the 18th tee … and the rest is history.

David in his final days at Brighton plays her
Thank you and good luck in your new venture

2020 Opening Day

The season is off to a flying start following Opening Day on 6th February. A field of 48 players on a bright, warm day. Perfect for golf. The President, Judith Freidin and Captain, Jane Belcher welcomed 55 members, which included 3 potential new members, to the Pavilion for lunch and presentations.

2019-20 Summer Golf

The summer golf season was again a huge success with 136 players over 5 weeks.  Only one week needed to be cancelled due to rain.

All due to the great work of the Summer Golf conveners … Stella Torrance and Geni Brewster.  For the last day and presentations, 30 January, they put on a beautiful spread and the recipe for Geni’s dip is below for those that asked.

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Geni’s Tuna Dip

1 large tin of tuna in oil – drained
2 stalks of celery – finely chopped
2-3 spring onions – finely chopped
2 tablespoons of parley – finely chopped
mayonnaise – to taste
salt & pepper

Mix together and add 3-4 hard boiled eggs, chopped.  Lightly mix again.


Our 9 & Dine was held on Friday evening January 10, 2020 … we desperately need rain but did it have to be then.

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Not to be thwarted … our 9 & Dine turned into a Wine & Dine … thanks to Rosie and her intepid band of helpers.  All profits will be donated to the Bush Relief.

It was a great evening although a bit of golf would have been good too … a couple of the fellows did go out to play and were rewarded with a golf ball prize for their fortitude (the rest of us were far more sensible).


2019 Christmas Lunch

Another season been and gone … didn’t that year fly by.  On Thursday December 5th, we all got together for our annual Christmas lunch at the Brighton Savoy.  As usual it was a great day with Raylene busy snapping photos.

2019 Huntingdale “C” Grade Champion

Why, we wonder, is this on our website.  Well, the Huntingdale “C” grade Champion is none other than our Life Member, Raylene Grapsas.   Go Raylene!!!!

2019 Champion of Champions

On Monday November 25th, Venora and Yvonne went out to Waterford Valley Golf Club where Venora was playing in the Champion of Champions event and Yvonne in the League Championship.
Both represented Nepean admirably and Yvonne did manage the NTP prize.
Well done girls.

2019 AGM

Our AGM was held at the Pavilion on November 14 –  52 members attending.

The most important part of the meeting was the election of a new Life Member Maureen Stewart for outstanding contribution to the club over her 21 years at Nepean. 
She has held the offices of Vice President, President, Trustee, VGL Delegate and most recently Almoner. 
In the words of her granddaughter Lucy – she is “Hands down the most elegant, kind, moral, funny, resourceful, decent and exquisitely kind and wise woman I have ever, and will ever know. A class act, in the true sense of the expression”.   We think that covers our Maureen and we are proud to have her as our newest Life Member.

The new committee was elected with 2 members retiring – Raylene Grapsas and Judy Evans, with Carole Schmoll and Noeleen Dix joining the committee.

After the completion of the AGM, the 2019 prizes were awarded by outgoing President Rosie McLean.

Sandy Wannachet –
Best Handicap Reduction 22.4%
Jenny Mealor & Sandy Wannachet –
Pairs Champions
Jane Belcher –
Nepean Rose Bowl
Maryanne O’Connell –
Life Members Trophy
Penny Price –
Captains Trophy
Jenny Mealor & Sandy Wannachet –
Nepean Foursomes
Tessa Killmister & Maryanne O’Connell runner/up
Veterans’ Trophy – Veteran
Ann Thomas –
Veterans’ Trophy – Senior
Sandy Wannachet –
Veterans’ Trophy – Junior
Cathy Linklater –
Presidents Trophy
Venora Smith –
Club Champion
Yvonne Lord –
B Grade Champion
Sandy Wannachet –
C Grade Champion
Sandy Wannachet –
C Grade Champion
Eleanor Douglas –
Pat Hughes Putting Trophy
Sue Callil –
9 Hole Champion
Stella Torrance –
R/up LMS Trophy
Denise Armstrong –
Medallist of the Year
Penny Price –
Margaret King Matchplay Trophy
Jenny Mealor –
Eclectic Gross & Nett
Tessa Killmister & Sue Rowell r/up –
Most Birdies

2019 Brighton Shield

Congratulations goes to Brighton but damn, we lost it.  17 matches were played – Brighton winning 7, Nepean 6 and 4 squares.

Jane did a great job of organizing the day along with Robyn, Brighton’s captain and well done all Nepean girls.

2019 XVII Australian Masters Games

An intrepid trio from Nepean ventured across the border to compete in the Masters Games in Adelaide.  They only really wanted a game or two at the Grange.

However it was our illustrious capitano Jane who starred on 2 of the days

GOLD MEDAL followed up by SILVER

Well done Jane – backed up admirably by Ann and Anne.

2019 Club Champions

EXCITING NEWS – Nepean’s first Nine & Dine

The Committee are planning to hold an inaugural twilight game on 10th Jan 2020, @ 5pm.
Further details to come –  its still very much in the ‘planning phase’.

2019 The ‘New’ Pavilion

On the 1st August we celebrated the refurbishment of the Pavilion.

The kitchen has undergone a transformation and to our absolute amazement and delight, they have installed a reverse cycle air conditioner!

Our thanks to the Pavilion Trustees who liaised with the Bayside Council to expedite this project with minimal inconvenience.

2019 The Queen’s Birthday Honours

Noeleen Dix has been awarded an AM for services to Australian Netball.
Congratulations Noeleen.

2019 Postie Fashion Parade – P & C Lunch

Judith – playful
Stella – elegant
Ann –  cheeky!
Judith, Stella, Ann and Yvonne

2019 GOLD Domes

Finally, we have Gold domes on ALL tee boxes.

2019 Charity Guest Day for Ovarian Cancer Australia

The Starters … Raylene & Jane
The big Brass … Jane & Rosie
The Boss giving instructions
And we all listened!!!
Ann Thomas – our Teal fairy
Wendy (guest) & Penny, Ieneke (guest) & Gill 
Stella, Marg, Cathy & Sandy
Mary Clarke – Sandringham President, Flo and guest
Marg, Barb Birch & Joy Gamble
Barb, Rhonda Henderson,Karin Gehr & Brig
Charity Committee on Charity Day Eve
Lunch at the Brighton Clubrooms

2019 Nepean Getaway

The players competing for the Sandra Ritchie Plate … won by Yvonne Lord 35 points.  Congratulations Yvonne!!!!!

Anne Cobham, Venora Smith,
Maryanne O’Connell & Lorraine Mair
Judy Evans, Flo Box
Jane Belcher & Judith Freidin
Joy Gamble, Susie Waite & Ann Thomas
Faith Fitzgerald, Marian Naidoo,
Marg Margitta & Rosie McLean
Dot Stannard, Barb Birch,
Gill Perkins & Yvonne Lord
Fiona Harvey, Stella Torrance,
Carol DeKievit & Terry Weir
Geni Brewster, Marg Gobolyos
& Tessa Killmister
Penny Price, Cathy Linklater & Leigh Wolany

Not to Mention the “Magic” Dress up evening

I Dream Of Geni (Brewster)
Marcel Marceau (Lorraine Mair)
The Golf Fairy (Yvonne Lord)
Our leader (Maryanne O’Connell)

2019 Pennant Final

FINAL RESULT – Nepean 2 matches, Burnley 3 matches.  

Sadly we lost, but all matches were tightly fought out and all played in good spirit against the Burnley girls.  Thanks to all the Nepean Players, Caddies and Supporters.  It has been a great Pennant season, next year will be even better!

2019 New toilets AT LAST!

No not these … they are our stopgap
… but here shows some action
and a finished product
a long time coming

2019 Opening Day

The Pavilion ready for Opening Day
Hot but a very happy gathering!
New Members Sandy, Sonya & Robin
Our President & Captain
Members enjoying the chance to catchup
Everywhere a haze of Nepean blue…
…so much chatter!

2019 Summer Golf wind up!

A massive thank you to these two wonderful ladies, Stella & Geni  for their organisation of our Summer Golf Programme.

2019 New Gold Markers

There are now new Gold markers – domes and tombstones on the 9th, 11th & 18th holes.
The course has been rerated – Slope 118 & Scratch 70
All the other holes  will continue to be played from the previously blue tombstones which are now coloured blue & gold.

New Gold domes & tombstones
New blue/gold markers

2019 Congratulations to Stella Torrence

Stella Torrence  – Hole in One

Jane & Losa witness Stella’s Hole in One
Congratulations Stella!

2019 VALE Judith Helen Barrett Palmer

5th Dec 1941 – 10 January 2019
Nepean Captain  2001/2002


2018 Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas lunch was held at the Brighton Savoy on Thursday 6 December which ends the official Nepean season for 2018.  As always the Brighton Savoy provided us with a delightful venue and lunch.

Recipe from “the Queen of Florentines”

By popular demand, our “Queen of Florentines” Maryanne O’Connell has released her secret recipe.  This all came about because a certain life member just had to taste them and scoffed the lot, leaving none for Christmas.  Her plea was to find the “queen” of these baked beauties and get this recipe so her family would be none the wiser.

So here it is with a preparation time of 15-30 minutes (depending on your talent for or ineptitude of baking).


1 1/4 cups of sultanas
1 1/4 cups of slivered almonds
3 cups of cornflakes, lightly crushed
1 cup of chopped glace cherries
1 tin condensed milk
125 g chocolate


  1. Combine all ingredients except chocolate in a large bowl
  2. Line baking trays with baking paper
  3. Drop mixture in small heaps onto trays
  4. Bake in moderately slow oven for 15-20 minutes
  5. Allow to cool before lifting off trays
  6. Chop the chocolate and melt over a saucepan of hot water
  7. Spread melted chocolate over base of biscuit

Recipe Notes

Trays must be lined with paper, not foil, otherwise the biscuits are hard to remove.
Florentines will keep for at least 2 weeks in an airtight container.
With the red and green cherries they look great to serve at Christmas time.

We golfers scrub up quite well!

Table centre pieces by Jan
Raffle prizes donated by all
Carole greeted by Eleanor and Carol
Jan & Yvonne starting off with bubbles
Marj Crotty & Jenny – no drink Jen
Losa & Elaine into nibbles as well
Great to see Barbara, Neradah & Maureen
Gladys also with Rosie
Carole, Geni & Brig
Shiela & Rosemary sitting down for lunch
Cathy, Penny & Carole
Julienne & Dot
Well posed table
Our 9 holers
Pam & Lorraine the only ones taking notice
oh but now a few more
Retiring Committee members

2018 VGL Championships – Minor Champion

Venora Smith, representing Nepean as our Club Champion, continued her fabulous golfing year with the Minor Championship at Waterford Valley Golf Course on Monday 19 November.

Congratulations Venora, great golf.

Venora receiving her trophy
Before the round with Cathy

2018 Brighton Shield

Remains where it should in the Pavilion.  Results were Nepean 6 wins, Brighton 3 wins and 2 squares. 

Great work from all the girls that played and all that were behind the scenes working to make it all happen smoothly.

2018 AGM

The 66th AGM was held in the Pavilion on the 8th November 2018 with 45 members attending.

The new committee was installed with 3 new faces – Marian Naidoo as Assistant Treasurer, Hilary Williams as Co-Handicapper and Amanda Ford to General Committee.

If you wish to know who does what on the committee, please refer to the Committee page.

As always the AGM was followed by the yearly presentations of the major trophies.

Presentation Table – created by …
Jan & Eleanor
Venora Smith – Club Champion
… and Pat Hughes Trophy for Putting
Jenny Mealor – Championship A Grade R/U
… and Pat Hughes Putting R/U (Next year Jen)
Cathy Linklater – Championship B Grade
Yvonne Lord – Championship B Grade R/U
Marg Gobolyos – Championship C Grade
Anne Cobham – Championship C Grade R/U
Cathy Linklater – Betty Montgomery Best Nett
Pam Carney – 9 Hole Champion
Anne Thomas – Presidents Trophy
… and Senior Veterans’ Trophy
Tessa Killmister – Veterans’ Trophy
Judith Friedin – Junior Veterans’ Trophy (again)
The sisters Brig & Riky – Pairs Champions
Raylene & Cathy – Nepean Foursomes
Joy Gamble – Nepean Plate
Anne Cobham – Life Members Trophy
Amanda Ford – Nepean Rose Bowl
… and Captains Trophy
… and Nepean Classic (is that enough Amanda)
Marg Gobolyos – LMS Trophy
Jane Belcher – Medalist of the Year

2018 Club Championships

Our Club Championships started on 6 September in windy and slightly wet conditions.
The next two weeks of competition were played in brilliant sunshine and some great scores were recorded. Congratulations to the winners!

(from left) 9 Hole Champion Pam Carney, B Grade Champion Cathy Linklater, 2018 Club Champion Venora Smith and C Grade Champion Margaret Gobolyos 

2018 VGL Foursomes Champions

On Monday August 27 at Southern Golf Club, Fiona Harvey and Sue Rowell won the VGL Foursomes Championships.  Just to top it off, Fiona managed to also win the NTP.

Well done girls.

2018 President’s and Captain’s Lunch

On Thursday 14 June we celebrated our President, Rosie McLean and our Captain, Fiona Harvey.  These two have made a formidable team over the last 2 years and the club has thrived under their leadership.

It was a lovely day with great company, highlighted by a quiz to see how well we knew these girls, won by Marg Gobolyos.

2018 Winter

Just another day on our golf course – August 9 2018

2018 Pink Day in aid of Breast Cancer Trials

Our annual “pink day” to raise money for Breast Cancer Trials was held on Thursday 10 May and was a great success with a field of 40.

Breast Cancer Trials is a group of world-leading breast cancer doctors and researchers based in Australia and New Zealand with a commitment to finding better treatments and prevention for people affected by breast cancer through clinical trials research.  Find out more on their website.

Fundraising visors will be on sale in the Pavilion from 10 May for $10.  Perfect for golf!

What a score!

19 April 2018 – Hilary congratulations on this AMAZING score!

2018 Getaway

Hilary Williams was the winner of the inaugural Sandra Richie Plate and Jane Belcher the runner up.

2018 Pennant – Nepean Runners-up in B Grade final 

We were runners-up (1-4 matches) to Yarra Bend Ladies in the B Grade Pennant final held on April 30 at Werribee Park Golf Club.

All matches were decided on the last few holes.  Well done to all the players and their caddies and thank you to the spectators who cheered us on.  

The team: Cathy, Raylene, Fiona, Elaine and Brig


Captain Fiona Harvey takes the shield from
the Brighton Golf Club Captain Sue Bamberry
after our win in the Brighton Shield
matchplay event in October 2017

Margaret Gobolyos, Rosie McLean, Fiona Harvey,
Carol DeKievit and Judith Freidin represented
Nepean at the 2017 VGL Committee Golf Day
held at Northern Golf Club.


Pink Day in aid of Breast Cancer Trials 2016

Pink Day 2016